Sad times…..Globalists have pretty much succeeded….people are totally anti-Christian. Darkness is here….. (thanks for making fun of me in advance) (thanks for telling me your happy about it in advance) Thanks for supporting anti white male agenda in advance) (Thanks for falling for the race card, equality, diversity, bike trail importance in advance) (Thanks for breaking up the families in advance with race wars, class wars and pure American hate) (thanks in advance for telling me my post is crazy or that I am angry) Thanks in advance for making me feel like I am a piece of shit of a man by not even talking to me anymore) thanks in advance for supporting people in the exposed corrupted Democratic party) (thanks for wanting our president dead in advance, you are a sick individual if you think this way)
I am sad , the world is moving to darkness…..thank you in advance for making sure I feel like less than a human, I guess the party of slavery is at it again. (DNC) When people are allowed to demise a demographic, that is slavery. It is back.
(For my brothers and sisters in Christianity)
God protect you, God bless your children, teenagers, grandpa’s and grandma’s.
(for people who say I hate you, your people and all that you stand for) I don’t hate anyone, never have, never will. I take the goodness of principles in Christianity and apply them as I have the strength and courage to do so. I am disappointed that not only do you despise Christians, you look to the more evil side of things and embrace it for your entertainment and teach your kids the same.